
Breast-feeding twins: Making feedings manageable

Should I breast-feed my babies at the same time?

When you start breast-feeding your babies, feed each one individually. This will give you a chance to see how well each baby latches on to your breast and gives you an opportunity to address any issues.

Consider creating a 24-hour chart to record how long and how often each baby nurses, as well as the number of wet and soiled diapers for each baby. If you feed your babies pumped breast milk, record how much they take at each feeding.

Once you've established breast-feeding with each baby, how you breast-feed is up to you and your babies. Some mothers find that breast-feeding two babies at once works well and saves time. Others prefer to breast-feed each baby separately.

Likewise, some babies might show a preference for individual feedings. Try different approaches or a combination — such as breast-feeding one baby at a time at night and two at the same time during the day — to see what might work best.

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